Introduction to Trager®

Introduction to the Trager®  Method
This class will introduce the feeling, effortlessness, and joy of using Trager® principles, while learning new methods of practitioner presencing, self-care, and client participation.

The Trager approach® is gentle but deeply effective, matching the body’s intrinsic movement, articulating and compressing, cradling and lengthening body parts; helping clients experience new freedom and movement in their bodies, enhanced body relaxation, easing of pain, and recovery from injuries.

Milton Trager became aware of a state of awareness which he called hookup.
Probably the most unique contribution of Trager’s approach is this active body-centered meditative tool which Jack calls presencing.

This tool can be practiced with any form of bodywork and we can pass it on to our clients. You will be introduced to presencing, as well as ways to use it.
This will not only give you a deeper understanding of Trager’s discovery but can change your whole life. Many life-long spiritual seekers search for ways to practice meditation continuously.
Trager’s brilliant solution grew out of his curiosity about his own body sensations.

Trager Approach®: 
Trager is gentle and produces no pain.
Practitioners match their body movements to the client’s and anchor rhythm, movement, stretch, rotation, and traction with unique kinds of tissue engagement.
Areas of tension and restriction are eased towards their natural state of tonus and articulation without relying on force, pressure, or pain.
The client experiences a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.

Trager Mentastics®:
 In this class, you will be introduced to a series of pleasurable movements, called Mentastics for letting go of some of your own movement limitations.
Trager practitioners use these self-care movements for themselves and their clients. Mentastics produce feelings of lightness, freedom, and openness and can be done anywhere.

Trager blends with other forms of Bodywork:
Many bodywork professionals use Trager principles along with other bodywork modalities.
Once you have been introduced to these principles you will ask yourself as you work:

“How could this be easier?”

One reason practitioners are attracted to the Trager Approach is that it produces very profound effects for the client, and is guided by the practitioner’s curiosity and search for easiness. The principles and self-care techniques you will learn in this class will enhance and support and help you mature all the techniques that you are using now.  

Professional Training Track: 
 This introductory workshop is geared towards professional bodyworkers and students. The class is a prerequisite for applying to enter the training track to becoming certified as a Trager practitioner. The Trager training track will be fully explained during this workshop.

Read what Dr.  Andrew Weil says about Trager:

“The Trager Approach… is based on the premise that discomfort, pain and reduced functionality are physical symptoms of accumulated tension resulting from accidents, weak posture, fear, emotional blockages and daily stress. During a typical session, clients lie on a padded table while a practitioner gently rocks and lengthens the client’s body to release tension. Table work is followed by a short movement lesson for continued self-care…  [It] is an excellent method of reducing stress, and I recommend it to people who get tension headaches frequently. Besides its calming effects, the approach can help facilitate the nervous system’s communication with muscles, so it can be a useful rehabilitation method for people recovering from stroke or traumatic injuries, or who have chronic neuromuscular disorders such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, and post-polio syndrome. Also, research shows that the Trager Approach can improve breathing in people with chronic lung disease, and practitioners claim it can help people with various types of chronic pain.”