Secrets of Decompression Somatics

Video Home Study -$100

Decompression Somatics: 
In this class, we will be using DS in order to work on many body conditions that are very challenging.
Think of those clients who have conditions you wished you could help. This is what we will be addressing in this class and we’ll have fun together as we do so.

Activating proprioceptive rather than neuromuscular responses:

As with yoga, we are teaching the client to interact with different body parts through proprioceptive and felt sense communication, rather than asking clients to engage muscles. We are encouraging them to work through their proprioceptive awareness. By so doing, we are mostly bypassing the neuromuscular system with it’s preset gamma sensory motor limits.
This could be extremely beneficial for those persons whose neuromuscular systems have been partially compromised. It also sets up a parallel system for growth in somatic awareness.

Perhaps the most surprising result of this kind of interaction is that clients can become involved is producing their own tissue responses. Clients can also feel their own reflexive releases as well as the linking relationships (Anatomy Trains) to other parts of the body. 

This is highly effective and positively reinforcing because the clients are learning to be their own healers.

Positional Release from a Dynamic Perspective

Once again in Decompression Somatics we are drawing in part from Denise Deig, author, physical therapist, graduate school instructor, who has graciously brought her gifts to the bodywork world. Denise has studied so many of the pioneer forms of bodywork in her own personal development. I heartedly recommend that attendees in this class purchase a copy of her book on her website: denisedeig.comShe will mail it to you. For only $30, It is a great resource for all your bodywork understandings.

Secrets of Decompression Somatics
Webinar Home Study
Four Two Hour Classes – 8CEs*
NCBTMB Certified
Cost $100

*For CEs, you need to submit some requiments. In this case, please contact us to follow the process. Thank you.