Sharing Presence -Client & Practitioner-

Video Home Study -$75

Milton Trager's Words: "Hookup is like the measles. You catch it from someone who's got it."

Three things happen in weighing our hands. The hands become flushed-arm, puffy-soft; and very sensitive to tissue. One can feel layers and tonus of tissue, as well as directions of ease and release.

Moving beyond where Milton could go:
In clients’ first Trager sessions, their bodies are moved in ways they have never felt before; like a babies being rocked. We would pass on self-directed movements called Mentastics through which clients could recreate some of the ease of movement they felt in their sessions. 

After giving many sessions, I started to realize that there are ways to share the Hookup state of presence with clients. By enabling them to use their own feeling awareness consciously in the places I was touching.

If they interact with their own tissue from inside, they can create their own state of Presencing

There are various ways to create this shared state of presence. 

And this deeper level of conscious awareness can be shared in any bodywork modality. 

This is what we will be exploring in the webinar. 

Sharing presence is a mutual transforming experience!

Sharing Presence -Client & Practitioner-
Webinar Home Study
Three Two Hour Classes – 6CEs*

NCBTMB Certified Cost $75

*For CEs, you need to submit some requiments. In this case, please contact us to follow the process. Thank you.