Table Talking Refinements (Webinar LIVE)

Four Two-Hour Classes 8CEs
April 22, 24, 26, 29th  2024
Time 4PM PDT
NCBTMB Approval in Process
Cost $180

What we are striving for in this class is an appreciation and respect for verbal interaction that derives directly from the body-referenced experiences of the client and practitioner. 


Everything that arises in a session or in-between sessions has a bodily component to it

All symptoms: physical, emotional and mental are accompanied by a felt sense, a set of sensations that are accessed directly through the body


The language of the body is full of metaphor and symbols that may inform the process

And awarenesses that are anchored in the present moment can be used for healing.


Bodyworkers can train their hands and words over time to be skilful listeners, mirrors, guides, and companions. 

What we’re talking about is a new school of verbal interaction; one that is derived from within the profession itself and has its own intrinsic wisdom and systems of interaction; one that is intimately focused upon the language of the body, the mind, and the self-conscious being that resides within.

**About this specific in-deapth class**

I will provide the handouts for this class. They reflect some of the sources I drew upon in Graduate school and afterwards for creating this method.
My goal is to make body-centered two-way verbal 
interaction available to all touch professionals and their clients.
My hope is that we will all find ways to practice the verbal 
interaction directly in class as well as with our clients and 
colleagues during the Webinar classes.

“I’ve been just AMAZED with the changes coming from the work  I learned with you. Thank you!” ~ Student, 2006

“Learning more about using words powerfully is so important in our work and hardly ever gets taught anywhere.” ~Student, 2008

“I was able to recognize change in tissue when the client brought in their awareness. I also built confidence in guiding clients who may experience upset or difficulty in session.” ~Student, 2008

“I truly appreciate the relevance that all the lessons have taught me not only to bodywork, but to life in general.” ~Student, 2008

・You will learn counseling skills that build carefully on what you are observing visually and feeling through your hands.
・You will be taught how to listen carefully to the client’s verbal descriptions of what occurs inside during the session and how to work with client dissociation, distraction and numbness.
・You will practice many forms of verbal interaction and learn how touch-based, body-centered counseling differs from psychotherapy.
・You will learn “active listening” which is a technique for mirroring the clients words and tissue responses in a way that safely supports their process.
・You will discover how to empower your clients and affirm how much they are involved in their own healing.
・You will learn how to anchor your experiences and those of your clients in the present moment and how to add your verbal skills with clients onto those areas in which you are already skilled, namely reading and interacting with the language of the body visually and tactilly.

・We will explore issues of appropriate boundaries, ethics, transference and counter-transference as they relate to combining verbal interactions with touch therapy.
・We will explore the roles of mentoring, guiding and companioning our clients rather than just fixing their symptoms.  

After taking this workshop, you will:
Read and interpret the language of the body.
Conduct your sessions with a state of presence.
Have more confidence working with client’s pain, fear, and guilt.
Know how body-based counseling differs from psychotherapy.
Be more aware of transference and counter transference.

Click here to read Jack’s article on Table-Talking.

“I want to thank you for teaching the Table-Talking class. It is such powerful information. I’ve been using the techniques and have gotten great results! I’m surprised at how easy it has been to incorporate it over the last few days. I appreciate all of the knowledge you bring to your courses. Thank you for the authentic, humble way you present yourself. Youre a terrific teacher.”
~ Student, 2006  

Recommended reading for this workshop:
Focusing by Eugene Gendlin (2nd edition, Bantam Books 1981). Chapters 1-9 .
The Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of Life in Our Professional Healing Relationships by Kylea Taylor. Hanford Mead Publishers 1995.

Four Two-Hour Classes 8CEs
April 22, 24, 26, 29th 2024
Time 4PM PDT
NCBTMB Approval in Process
Cost $180